Our Main 2024 Charities

GEMS Charity is a local Leicestershire charity run solely by volunteers who raise funds with the aim ‘To help the patients and their supporters who visit the Chemotherapy Suite in the Osborne Building at the Leicester Royal Infirmary be more comfortable during their treatment.’

GEMS Charity was founded in 2012 after Andy and Sally Anderson supported four close friends through their cancer treatment and weekly hospital visits.

Hearing the words “I’m afraid you have cancer” is one of the scariest things most of us can imagine having to process. Chemotherapy often requires patients to sit for several hours at a time to receive treatment which can be incredibly uncomfortable. Inspired by the incredible hard-working staff and the courage of our four friends and other patients we wanted to give something back. Although GEMS Charity cannot undo the experience the patients go through, we hope to make the environment for the patients and their supporters more comfortable during their treatment”.

The name GEMS is made up from the initials of those four friends: Gilly, Elizabeth, Meg and Sarah 

For more information and to get involved please contact us:
Email: gemscharity@gmail.com    Tel: 0116 2793814 



We support every baby, child and young person to fulfil their potential, and help families make the most of every precious moment, while capturing memories and keepsakes to treasure.

We’re here for the whole family, offering comfort and compassion during tough times, providing the highest level of professional care until the end, and support after.Simply put, we’re here to brighten short lives, and support families, wherever they are.

Our vision is to create the “Rainbows Experience” wherever you are. Our mission is that across the East Midlands we will:

  • transform care for those babies, children and young people who have a life-limiting or life-threatening condition
  • relieve the pain and symptoms associated with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions
  • support every baby, child and young person to achieve their full potential
  • create memories for families to treasure
  • provide comfort and compassion at the time of and following the death of a baby, child or young person


2023 Show success results in record charity donations

The success of the 2023 Blaston Show has continued to be reflected in the increase in donations to our worthy charities.

At the Annual General Meeting on 14th November, £4,400 was presented to East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme (EMICS), and £4,000 to MacMillan Market Harborough Group as part of donations totalling £11,450 which was spread across other local charities.

These included Wigston Air Cadets £450; Market Harborough 2012 Lions £450; Rotaract £450; 41 Club £450; Welland Valley Scouts £450; Blaston Church £100; Slawston Church £50; Slawston Village Hall £50; and Norton & Gaulby Young Farmers £150.

Show Director, Matt Trembath thanked the Trustees and Committee for all their hard work and gave huge thanks to our principal sponsor, Truck East, and to all our other loyal sponsors and members, who provide the confidence to commit to all the pre-show expenses that are vital for the show to take place. He also recognised and thanked the many volunteers and helpers who work tirelessly throughout showday assisting members of the public.