Blaston Show held its AGM at the end of November, the committee able to share information about the funds raised for their chosen charities in 2022.
The Air Ambulance Service in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Warwickshire & Northamptonshire was the biggest recipient, awarded £6,000. Other charities benefiting from the show included Homestart South Leicestershire, Wigston Air Cadets, Harborough 2012 Lions, Melbourne Cricket Club, Blaston Church, Slawston Church, Slawton Village Hall and Norton & Gaulby Young Farmers.
William Young reported that the 63rd Blaston show was one of the best, a fantastic Show at our new location, with record gate takings. This was due to a tremendous amount of hard work by the Trustees, Committee, helpers and, in particular, Matt Trembath. The new location, new layout and a fresh start all added up to a tremendous success; there are so many people whose hard work made this happen. There were over 50 trade stands together with a full compliment of Modern Farming and Catering stands. The Hound Show was a wonderful addition to the Show and there were record Livestock entries.
William reported that our very loyal sponsors give us the confidence for all the pre-show expenses. Huge thanks to our main sponsors TruckEast and JCB Watling, as well as our wonderful volunteers and helpers.
Andrew Bishop is staying on as President, William will now be Chairman and Matt Trembath is the new Show Director. He commented on how proud he had been to be President of such a marvellous Show now with the inclusion of the Hound Show. He met people who had commented that Blaston Show was better than the Peterborough show which was a marvellous accolade.
The Trustees feel they have not been good enough at marking out individual contributors to the Show – this year, and annually, they will mark this achievement. The 2022 recipient is Tom Stops who has taken on, and done a wonderful job with, Modern Farming. Another two people thanked are Janette & Trevor Stocks; Janette for keeping everything on track with meetings, organising, chasing etc and Trevor for producing all design work required and the Show programme.